Smart, likable websites designed to get found, engage your customers and generate leads.

  • Get found on Google.
  • Make a strong first impression.
  • Target your ideal customers.
  • Edit your own website.
  • See measurable marketing results.

Web Design

I Will Deliver Everything You Need For a Successful Website
and Nothing You Don’t

  • As a small business, you can’t afford to throw money at advertising that may work. It must work, or you’re gambling with your money. Wouldn’t you like to invest in advertising that pays you back over and over again?
  • To get profitable results, your website must get seen by your potential customers… the people who are actually looking for your services on Google.
  • When your potential prospects type into Google what they want, you need to be in the top 10 results because that’s where 99% the clicks go. But even a top spot on Google doesn’t guarantee sales.
  • No matter how sleek your website is, or how high you rank on Google… even being #1 won’t guarantee that your website will convert visitors into paying customers.

Man writing check - Small Business Website Design, Hudson Valley

If You Want Customers, Here’s The Stuff That Matters…

  1. People won’t buy your products, or your services – But they will buy the benefits your product or service promises. Product or service features don’t make sales, benefits do. There’s a place for features, but it’s not what you want to lead with in your content.
  2. Don’t make them think – Your website visitors should instantly know they’re in the right place. Clearly state what you do, who you do it for, why you’re different and what the next step is. Your visitor should know what you’re business is about at a glance.
  3. Calls to action – Each page on your site should guide visitors toward a goal. That goal could be to contact you, or visit a sales page. Regardless, give your visitors a reason to take the next step and provide the path forward with a bright, bold call to action.
  4. Keyword research – Shows us where the demand is for your market and how steep the competition is. This is the cornerstone of your content strategy. When you nail this component, you’re  already ahead of 90% of all small business websites.
  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Page one of Google gets the clicks. A well optimized site can help you get there. 98% of searches never go past the first page of Google results. If you’re not on page one, you might as well be invisible.
  6. Local SEO – You are missing out on free traffic if you don’t have your Google, Bing & Yahoo local business listings claimed and optimized. Especially critical for common local businesses like retail stores, restaurants, plumbers, etc.
  7. Link building – Google does care about what you say about your website, but it cares a lot more about what the world says. Getting great links to point to your site is one of the most important and challenging things you can do for your business.
  8. Ongoing tracking – Tracking how people arrive and engage with your website is the only way to identify strengths and weaknesses in your strategy. I track progress for all my clients, so we can make informed decisions based on what’s producing results and what isn’t.