Conversion rate formula on blackboard

How to Calculate Sales Conversion Rate & Lead Value

When you understand how sales conversion rate is calculated, and what a new lead is actually worth, you can direct your marketing efforts more sensibly without throwing your money away on advertising that doesn’t bring a return on investment (ROI). I’m going to show you exactly how business owners (or marketers) can easily figure out: How to calculate conversion rate…

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Liar, liar pants on fire.

Are You Bullshitting Prospects About Who You Really Are?

When I was first starting out as a web designer, I always wanted to make my business sound bigger than it really was. I would say things like, “we provide…” and “our services are…”  I had an “About Us” page and even several email addresses… one for billing, support, and sales. Any of that sound familiar? Maybe you don’t have…

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One man band

Why Use Landing Pages?

Good landing pages focus on one thing, not ten Set your website up without understanding how to properly use landing pages and you will most certainly miss opportunities to get leads from your website. Nail this tactic and you will be setting yourself up for success. A landing page is any page on your website where a visitor first arrives…

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